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The next section is where you define the aggregation values. Since we're creating from a template, these are already pre-filled. But should you wish to modify them, each field can be adjusted according to your requirements.

  • Value attribute states the action that the override will do based on the information entered in the upcoming fields. This attribute forms the basis for evaluating conditions that trigger alerts, such as system load or job completion times- specifies object attribute that contains the value used for threshold comparison. Typically you should not modify that value as it is to associate the overrides with the monitors.

  • Aggregation interval defines species the period during which files are collected and added to the file server.Consecutive interval refers to the regularity or frequency of occurrences within a specified number of minutesinterval for which the historical values (see Value Attribute) are summarized and used for threshold comparison. This also defines the regularity at which the interval values are calculated.

  • Consecutive interval (optional) overrides the interval used for aggregation of historical value (see Aggregation interval) it however doesn’t override the regularity. If you would like to calculate the Hourly average value every 5 minutes, you set the Aggregation interval to 5 minutes and Consecutive Interval to 60 (min).

  • Aggregation denotes the function that will be applied, such as sum, average, count, minimum, or maximum.
