IT-Conductor Gateway Setup for AWS

This is the first setup process after subscribing to IT-Conductor service, following successful email validation and accepting the End User Licensing Agreement (EULA).

Obsolete! please refer to online documentation:

Gateway allows communication between the Customer's site network and the IT-Conductor cloud platform.  It must be connected successfully before any private customer systems can be monitored by IT-Conductor.

IT-Conductor® Gateway on AWS

Installation Instructions

1.) IT-Conductor supplies preconfigured AWS AMI. In AWS Console launch EC2 instance. 
Search for "IT-Conductor" in Community AMIs - select IT-Conductor Gateway. Currently the AMI is available on us-east-1, us-west-1, us-west-2  and ap-southeast-2.
Contact IT-Conductor support if you need it copied to your region not listed above.

2.) Select and proceed to choosing Instance type. Depending on the number of monitored systems choose starting from Medium to 2XL (burstable (t) or general purpose (m) is recommended), then proceed to Configure Instance Details.

3.)In Instance Details specify User Data as the following:

  • GATEWAYID=[GATEWAYID] - The ID of one of the Gateway created by your administrator earlier
  • ACCOUNTID=[ACCOUNTID] - The Service Account ID
  • APIKEY=[APIKEY] - The API Key for the the Service Account - generated when the Service Account is created

4.) Ensure that the Gateway has access to public internet and specifically host "" (or the IPs resolved from that DNS name).

5.) Ensure that the Gateway EC2 Instance has access to VPC applications and systems that are intended to be monitored. The ports required to be open depend on the type of the system (SAP NW, SAP J2EE, HANA, ASE, Linux etc).

6.) Launch the instance.

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