Oracle to ASE Automated Migration (On-prem to Azure)
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Migrating from an Oracle database to an ASE (Sybase) database can be challenging, but with the right tools and processes in place, it can be done smoothly and efficiently. In this page, we will discuss an automated migration process that uses Terraform and Ansible to provision virtual machines (VMs) and perform migration tasks using IT-Conductor Platform.
In this scenario, we have an existing On-premise Oracle system. On Azure, we will build the target system on the ASE database.
We will export from an on-premise Oracle system (a source system) and import it into a newly built ASE system on Azure.
In this demo scenario, we’ll be using our tenant called “OZSoft”, but the process can be cloned and applied to any customer once they have onboarded to IT-Conductor as a Tenant. IT-Conductor creates and clone the Git repository for each Tenant who needs to leverage these types of automation runbooks.
We have defined all steps in ITC process definition.
To access the process definition, follow these steps:
Go to the tenant selection area and select "OZSoft" as the tenant.
Once you have selected the tenant, you will be directed to the process definition page where you can access the process definition.
Process Definitions:
We have used two process definitions:
Oracle to ASE on-prem activities
TEST Migrate Oracle To ASE
1. “Oracle to ASE on-prem activities” Process Definition
In this process definition, we are going to perform tasks on on-premise system. We will run SMIGR_CREATE_DDL Job using SSHShellJob. Thereafter we are going to perform export of the Oracle System.
After running the process definition, we can see log as below.
2. “TEST Migrate Oracle To ASE” Process Definition
The process begins with provisioning two VMs using Terraform commands. The first VM is for the ASE application, and the second is for the ASE database. Once the VMs are provisioned, the migration tasks are performed using an Ansible playbook.
The process definition contains the below activities:
Provision Azure VM for ASE APP
Pre-Configure ASE App VM
Install ASCS
Provision Azure VM for ASE DB
Pre-configure ASE DB VM
Import DB
Install PAS
Provision Azure VM for ASE App (VM1)
In this activity, we select Data file as “/configure/templates/vm_app.json”
This Virtual Machine will be used for installing SAP application.
The json file consists information related to:
Infrastructure ( which includes region, resource group, vnet, arm_id, subnet, nsg)
VMS ( which includes VM name, OS image ID, size, disk type, authentication, user name, Storage disk type, size (in GB), mount points)
sshkey (which includes path to public key, path to private key)
Provision Azure VM for ASE DB (VM2)
In this activity, we select Data file as “/configure/templates/vm_db.json”
This Virtual Machine will be used for installing Sybase (ASE) database.
vm_db.json contains same information as in vm_app.json, however we will have different hostname.
Once we have made the changes in both files (App and DB), we can proceed to run the Process Definition as shown below. The Removal Age refers to the instance of process orchestration and not to be mistaken for the removal of the provisioned system.
Once the process definition is in running state, it will start changing colors. After successful completion, the block color will turn green.
Virtual Machine (VM) Provisioning is performed via Terraform and all SAP+DB installation, import, etc. are done via Ansible. All codes are fully customizable and can be changes as per the requirement.
SAP on Azure Migration Dashboard
For migration projects, the IT-Conductor’s dashboards allows administrator to start/stop target and source VMs and provision Virtual Machines or Database nodes.