Set up On-Call Schedule (draft)
IT-Conductor’s On-Call Scheduling feature provides flexible shift and rotation configurations to meet organizational needs. Users can define multiple shifts per organization and set up "rotations" for on-call rosters specific to different time zones. The monthly and weekday schedules ensure accuracy in scheduling. Moreover, it integrates seamlessly with time-off schedules, incorporating time-off requests and other calendar events into on-call shift assignments.
Furthermore, it is fully integrated into IT-Conductor's notification architecture, enhancing communication efficiency. Shifts can be utilized as notification targets within subscriptions and as recipients for various functionalities, including activity log delivery and reports, facilitating comprehensive monitoring and reporting within the IT infrastructure.
Configure On-Call Scheduling in IT-Conductor
To configure on-call scheduling in IT-Conductor, follow the instructions below.
Create New Shift
Visit and enter your login credentials.
Navigate to Management→ Notification → On-Call Scheduling.
Click + to create a new shift.
Fill out all the necessary information in the Create Shift Management wizard. Once completed, click + to save.
Name - refers to the name of the shift being created.
Description - refers to a brief explanation of the shift.
Reminder - mark this box to receive email notifications about the shifts. If you don’t wish to be notified, leave this unchecked.
Verify if the newly created shift was added to the On-Call Scheduling actions panel.
Create Shift Rotation
Shift Rotation typically represents a time zone-specific roster. The time schedules are defined on this level.
Click the recently created shift, and click Shift Rotations .
Click + to create a new shift rotation.
Fill out all the necessary information in the Create Shift Rotation wizard. Once completed, click + to save.
Name - refers to a descriptive name for the new rotation system.
Description - refers to a brief explanation of the rotation system.
Frequency - refers to the frequency of the rotation. This can be hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly.
Priority - refers to the shift's assigned priority level, ranging from 0 (the highest priority) to lower priorities (1, 2, 3, etc). When resolving time overlaps, higher-priority rotations take precedence, ensuring that members assigned to these rotations always occupy the full-time slot. Members assigned to lower-priority rotations may have their time slots shortened to accommodate higher-priority rotations.
Start Date - refers to the period for which you will use this shift rotation.
Click + in the Time Restrictions section to fill in the time restrictions. Then click + in the Add Row pop-up window to add a row to the time restrictions table.
From Day - refers to the day that the shift begins.
From Time - refers to the time that the shift begins.
To Day - refers to the time that the shift ends. You may leave this blank if the shift ends on the same day.
To Time - refers to the time that the shift ends.
Time restrictions are established to configure rotation time slots. For instance, time slots for each weekday are defined in a daily rotation. These slots may contain gaps, which can be filled by other rotations, ensuring continuous coverage throughout the schedule.
All times are interpreted in the shift’s time zone to reduce mental complexity.
Once completed, click + or the Create New Shift Rotation icon to save.
Verify if the newly created rotation shows up on your shift schedule. You may create more rotations depending on your team's schedules and time zones.
Add Members to Shift Rotation
Select the shift rotation, then click Edit Participants.
Select the members of your organization that you’d like to add to this shift rotation.
Click the Save button to continue.
By creating a Shift and adding members to it, you’re creating a subscriber group that you’ll be able to use when selecting targets for creating subscriptions.
Please refer to our Notification Subscription documentation for more information.
View Shift Calendar
Once you’re done creating all the necessary shift rotations and adding team members, you may navigate back to the shifts screen and select one to see the calendar.
The shift rotations are located at the left side, and they’re organized based on their priority. You can use this calendar to see how the shift rotations work with each other. You may also navigate back and forth in time by using the arrows.
To access individual on-call assignments, click on any colored blocks. Then click Modify.
Edit the start or end time for that specific event as shown in Figure 12 or mark the Notify check box to notify the user before their shift.
Manage Calendar Events
Use your organization's Calendar view to manage all scheduled events, including times off and on-call assignments.
View Calendar
Navigate to Management → Automation → Calendar.
Click on the calendar view of your choice. This can either be weekly, monthly, or the agenda view.
Note: Using the calendar gives you a holistic view of how all the shifts work together.
Request Time-Off
Click Request Time-Off.
Fill in the following fields:
Reason - refers to the reason why the user is requesting the time off. You may select one from the drop-down menu.
Details - refers to any extra description regarding the request.
All Day - mark this field to specify that the request is for a full workday. Otherwise, leave this unmarked.
Start Date - refers to the date that the request starts.
End Date - refers to the date that the request ends.
Click on the + to save.