S4 HANA 2020 on Azure


Update terraform data files


ITC data files are used as placeholders for storing/retrieving required data during automation. We store the azure infrastructure information as data file so that its consumed by terraform script for provisioning required resources.


{ "infrastructure": { "region": "westus2", "resource_group": { "is_existing": "true", "arm_id": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/TEST-zp-DEV-DS4" }, "vnets": { "management": { "is_existing": "true", "arm_id": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/AI-ITC-Lab-Network-uswest2-RG/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/itc-sap-usw2-VNet", "subnet_mgmt": { "is_existing": "true", "arm_id": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/AI-ITC-Lab-Network-uswest2-RG/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/itc-sap-usw2-VNet/subnets/itc-saplab-subnet", "prefix": "", "nsg": { "is_existing": "true", "arm_id" : "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/AI-ITC-Lab-Network-uswest2-RG/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/ITC-Lab-NSG" } } } } }, "vms": [ { "name": "ozdev01", "os": { "publisher": "SUSE", "offer": "sles-sap-15-sp5", "sku": "gen2", "version": "2024.02.07", "source_image_id": "" }, "size": "Standard_E16ds_v4", "disk_type": "StandardSSD_LRS", "authentication": { "type": "key", "username": "azureuser" }, "storage" : [ { "name" : "os", "count" : 1, "disk_type" : "StandardSSD_LRS", "size_gb" : 64, "caching" : "ReadWrite" }, { "name" : "data", "count" : 1, "disk_type" : "Premium_LRS", "size_gb" : 1024, "caching" : "None", "write_accelerator" : false, "mount_point" : "/hana/data" } ] } ], "sshkey": { "path_to_public_key": "./id_rsa.pub", "path_to_private_key": "./id_rsa" }, "vm-data":{ "type": "linux", "output_vm_host_file" : "ansible_config_files/hosts.yml" } }

Figure 1 : Sample terraform configuration data file



For updating this file we need following resource ids from tenant


  1. Vnet id

  2. Subnet id

  3. Network security groups


Make sure that ITC gateway is also in the same subnet.

If tenant wants to use different vnet, make sure that the vnet that contains the ITC gateway is peered with new vnet.

After getting the resource ids, we can update the terraform configuration file as follows


  1. Navigate to My Objects → My Process Definitions


  2. Click on the process definition to run


  3. Click on the object menu and then “Data Files“

  4. Click on the terraform config file to change

  5. Then edit the json to add new resource ids

  6. Also make sure that same file is used in terraform job object’s option attribute


Copy or Download installation files


The files should be either downloaded by tenant or copied from ITC.