Creating Notification Subscriptions

  1. Click on a Service element in the Service Grid and select Subscriptions in the popup menu
  2. In the Subscriptions list click "Create New Subscription" icon:
  3. The new Subscription page will open,
    • Choose the subscriber from the drop-down list - it includes your current user as well as all Groups, Roles and Org Units assigned to the current user
    • Check Recursive if you would like to receive notification on all children of this service element
    • Check Root Cause if you only want to receive notifications on the Thresholds that cause service status changes - this excludes notifications on Service/Sub-Service status changes
    • Specify the Minimum Severity of the Service Element when notification should take place
    • Check Alerts if you need the alerts related to the Service Element (or all of its children if Recursive) to be forwarded as notifications
    • Click Create icon
  4. Go back to Subscriptions list, refresh and see the new entry:
  5. You should start receiving notification to your e-mail address within 15 minutes (for the performance reasons the subscriptions are cached and refreshed every ~15 minutes)

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