The reports in IT-Conductor use IT-Conductor XML markup identified by itc namespace prefix. At this time the XML is not validated against IT-Conductor schema.
Global Variables
variables ${self/....}, ${report/...} are supported in any parameter or selector they are resolved with report's values
self - Report ObjectÂ
report - report specific variables
Dynamic Sections -Â behaves the same way as <query> producing a list of objects based on select criteria:
<itc:parameter name="OBJECT_ClassName">class-name</itc:parameter>
<itc:select name="attr-name" [oper="Operator"]>value</itc:select>
<itc:select ... > ...
<itc:parameter name="maintenance">true|false</itc:parameter> - Optional, allows for selection of objects based on the effective Maintenance Mode
 <itc:parameter name="linkClassName">Link Target Class</itc:parameter> - Optional, if the intent is to return a list of linked objects,
this is the class of the link objects
<itc:parameter name="linkAttrName">Link target object attribute name</itc:parameter> - Optional, if the intent is to return a list of linked objects
and the selection targets Links, this attribute contains
the target object id in the link, normally LINK_LinkedObjectId or LINK_ObjectId
the opposite of what is used in the select criteria
Where content can be any other construct including another <section>
The essence of section is that for each object found in the query the content will be replicated and if ${context/...} variables are used in any of the parameters they will be resolved with the query result Object attributeÂ
nested <section> push the context into a FIFO stack so all children will have the new object instance set as a context...
<itc:chart context="${context/OBJECT_Id}"> ... </itc:chart>
Assuming section query find 3 objects - will create the following construct:
   <a>Object 1</a>
   <p><img for chart 1...></p>
  <a>Object 2</a>
   <p><img for chart 2...></p>
   <a>Object 3</a>
   <p><img for chart 3...></p>
Set report variable:
<itc:vriable name="<var name>">Value</itc:variable>
The variable can be accessed as ${report/<var name>}
Conditional block
<itc:parameter name="mode">context|variables</itc:parameter>
<itc:select name="name" [oper="Operator"]>value</itc:select>
 <itc:select ... > ...
... any content ...
The optional mode parameter (defaults to "context") - determines what the condition criteria (selects) is applied to:
context: the current context object (report external context or section-derived context)
variables: report variables (assigned with <itc:variable>)
If the criteria (all <itc:select> elements)Â evaluates to true the content of the if is included and evaluated according to report type supported elements, otherwise it is skipped
Insert IconÂ
 <itc:parameter name="name"><Icon Name></itc:parameter>
for available icon names see:Â
Display service element path
<itc:parameter name="OBJECT_Id"><Object Id></itc:parameter>
for PDF reports this is the only <itc:...> construct currently supported inside heading markup <h..></h..>
Object & Context Selectors
In all constructs we now support dynamic object and context selectors in addition to parameters OBJECT_Id & context:
<Object Selector />
<Context Selector />
See detail in "Where"
Reports Chart
 <Object Selector><!-- Optional see OBJECT_Id above -->
 <itc:parameter name="context"><context id></itc:parameter><!-- Optional see Context Selector -->
 <Context Selector /><!-- Optional see context above -->
 <itc:parameter name="width">100%</itc:parameter>
 <itc:parameter name="timeScale">HOUR</itc:parameter>
 <itc:parameter name="title">true|false</itc:parameter> <!-- Display Chart Title, default: true -->
 <itc:parameter name="titleText">New Text</itc:parameter> <!-- Override Chart Title -->
<itc:parameter name="annotations">true|false</itc:parameter> <!-- Disable /enable annotation in charts and tables, default: true -->
 <itc:parameter name="legend">none|left|right|top|bottom</itc:parameter> <!-- Display Legend in the position relative to the chart, default: as specified in the chart object -->
 <itc:parameter name="valuesOnly">true|false</itc:parameter> <!-- Disable /enable suppression of thresholds, severity & annotations, default: false -->
 <itc:parameter name="excludeCategory">Category id</itc:parameter> <!-- Exclude Chart Category (if chart Supports category exclusion -->
 <itc:parameter name="range">Range, see below</itc:parameter>
<itc:parameter name="annotations">true|false</itc:parameter>Â <!-- disable /enable annotation in charts and tables, default: true -->
<itc:parameter name="excludeCategory.<category id>">true|false</itc:parameter>Â <!-- Exclude Chart Category (if chart Supports category exclusion -->
 <itc:parameter name="table">false</itc:parameter> <!-- Show as Table or Plot default: false -->
<!-- When table=true -->
<itc:parameter name="header">true|false</itc:parameter> <!-- disable/enable chart table header row, default: true -->
<itc:parameter name="categoryHeader">Text</itc:parameter> <!-- set category column header text, default: none -->
<itc:parameter name="valueHeader">Text</itc:parameter> <!-- set value column header text, default: none -->
<itc:parameter name="tableTime">true|false</itc:parameter> <!-- disable/enable chart (time-series nly) table Time column, default: true -->
<itc:parameter name="tableCategories">true|false</itc:parameter> <!-- disable/enable chart table Category column, default: true -->
Category id - is either category Object Id (for multi-line graphs) or "Alarm", "Warning", "Severity", "itconductor.Annotations", "itconductor.Summary"
Locates & Reports a threshold, based on target Object ID and value Attribute Name.
Only Regular Thresholds are supported Collection Thresholds should be accessed using <chart> construct
 <Object Selector> <!-- Optional see THRESHOLD_ObjectId above -->
<itc:parameter name="THRESHOLD_AttributeName">OBJECT_Availability</itc:parameter>
 <itc:parameter name="table">false</itc:parameter>
 <itc:parameter name="width">100%</itc:parameter>
 <itc:parameter name="timeScale">HOUR</itc:parameter>
 <itc:parameter name="title">true|false</itc:parameter> <!-- Display Threshold Title, default: true -->
 <itc:parameter name="titleText">New Text</itc:parameter> <!-- Override Chart Title -->
 <itc:parameter name="annotations">true|false</itc:parameter> <!-- Disable /enable annotation in charts and tables, default: true -->
  <itc:parameter name="legend">none|left|right|top|bottom</itc:parameter> <!-- Display Legend in the position relative to the chart, default: depends on the threshold type -->
 <itc:parameter name="valuesOnly">true|false</itc:parameter> <!-- Disable /enable suppression of thresholds, severity & annotations, default: false -->
 <itc:parameter name="range">Range, see below</itc:parameter>
 <itc:parameter name="scale">Value scale, Decimal</itc:parameter>
 <itc:parameter name="unit">Unit Name, String</itc:parameter>
 <itc:parameter name="format">Value Format, Java Formatting: %,.2f</itc:parameter>
 <itc:parameter name="details">true|false</itc:parameter> <!-- For Consolidator Thresholds enables Details mode display ->
 <itc:parameter name="collector">Collector ObjectId</itc:parameter> <!-- For Consolidator Thresholds if Details mode, use collector for a specific component details ->
parameters THRESHOLD_ObjectId and THRESHOLD_AttributeName allow for the selection of the relevant threshold (search is performed)
if parameter OBJECT_Id is specified - it overrides the above and the construct behaves fully as <chart>
Parameters scale, unit, format - are threshold specific and allow to override how the value is charted
Otherwise <threshold> behaves exactly like <chart>
Report Alerts for the selected criteria
<!-- Target Alerts Criteria -->
<itc:parameter name="className">Alert</itc:parameter> <!-- Target Class Name, optional, default "Alert" -->
 <itc:parameter name="ALERT.Status">Status</itc:parameter> <!-- Optional, Default - All, Overridden by itc:select for the same attribute-->
 <itc:parameter name="table">false</itc:parameter>
 <itc:parameter name="width">100%</itc:parameter>
 <itc:parameter name="timeScale">HOUR</itc:parameter>
 <itc:parameter name="range">Range, see below</itc:parameter>
<!-- Search Criteria -->
 <itc:select name="export">true|false</itc:select>  <!-- Columns reported based ListExport flag not TableView flag (default) -->
 <itc:select name="select">Comma-separated column Attributes</itc:select>  <!-- Specific Columns to display, supersedes "export" -->
 <itc:select name="sortAttr">attribute name</itc:select> <!-- default ALERT.Time -->
 <itc:select name="sortOrder">DESC|ASC</itc:select> <!-- default ASC -->
Service Query
Query on a service tree (applies the search criteria to each element in the sub-tree)
<!-- root Service node selector -->
<itc:select ..
<!-- Target Objects Criteria -->
<itc:parameter name="className">Target Object Class</itc:parameter> <!-- Target Class Name , optional - default "Service" -->
<itc:parameter name="serviceAttr">ALERT.ContextService</itc:parameter> <!-- Target Class Attribute in the search criteria set with the service element ID , Required -->
 <itc:parameter name="timeAttr">ALERT.Time</itc:parameter> <!-- Target Class Time Attribute, Optional -->
<!-- Query Criteria -->
<itc:parameter name="table">false</itc:parameter>
 <itc:parameter name="width">100%</itc:parameter>
 <itc:parameter name="timeScale">Time Scale</itc:parameter><!-- Optional, Default HOUR -->
 <itc:parameter name="range">Range</itc:parameter> <!-- Optional, only evaluated if timeAttr is specified-->
 <itc:parameter name="startTime">Time</itc:parameter><!-- Optional, Override Range, only evaluated if timeAttr is specified -->
 <itc:parameter name="endTime">Time</itc:parameter> <!-- Optional, Override Range, only evaluated if timeAttr is specified-->
 <itc:parameter name="export">true|false</itc:parameter>  <!-- Columns reported based ListExport flag not TableView flag (default) -->
 <itc:parameter name="select">Comma-separated column Attributes</itc:parameter>  <!-- Specific Columns to display, supersedes "export" -->
<itc:parameter name="sortAttr">attribute name</itc:parameter>
 <itc:parameter name="sortOrder">DESC|ASC</itc:parameter>
Free-form object query
<Object Selector>
 <itc:parameter name="export">true|false</itc:parameter>  <!-- Columns reported based ListExport flag not TableView flag (default) -->
 <itc:parameter name="select">Comma-separated column Attributes</itc:parameter>  <!-- Specific Columns to display, supersedes "export" -->
 <itc:parameter name="linkAttrName">Link target object attribute name</itc:parameter> <!-- Optional, if the intent is to return a list of linked objects
and the selection targets Links, this attribute contains
the target object id in the link, normally LINK_LinkedObjectId or LINK_ObjectId
the opposite of what is used in the select criteria -->
 <itc:parameter name="linkClassName">Linked object Class Name</itc:parameter> <!-- If linkAttrName is not specified - ignore, otherwise mandatory, specifies the target object Class -->
 <itc:parameter name="sortAttr">attribute name</itc:parameter> <!-- Target (final) object sorting attribute name, must visible as the table column, otherwise ignored -->
 <itc:parameter name="sortOrder">DESC|ASC</itc:parameter>
Object Details
Display all visible object attributes as a vertical table with Name:Value rows
<Object Selector>
Object counter based on query - return the number of objects in the query result
<Object Selector>
 <itc:parameter name="title">Label</itc:parameter> <!-- if specified displayed as: Label <Count> -->
Saved Search
 <itc:parameter name="OBJECT_Id">Saved Search Object ID</itc:parameter>
 <Context Selector>
 <itc:parameter name="export">true|false</itc:parameter>  <!-- Columns reported based ListExport flag not TableView flag (default) -->
 <itc:parameter name="select">Comma-separated column Attributes</itc:parameter>  <!-- Specific Columns to display, supersedes "export" -->
Audit Log
Report Audit Log events
<Object Selector> <!-- If any objects matched, the auditlog will be queried for those objects, if none found and className is not specified, global tenant search is performed -->
<itc:parameter name="severity">Min Severity</itc:parameter>  <!-- Minimum event severity to include, Optional -->
<itc:parameter name="request">Request Name</itc:parameter>  <!-- Event Request (update,delete,maintenance,...), Optional -->
 <itc:parameter name="range">Range, see below</itc:parameter>
 <itc:parameter name="sortAttr">Timestamp|ObjectId|ObjectName|ObjectClass|AuthorId|AuthorName|Request|Severity</itc:parameter> <!- Optional, Default=Timestamp -->
 <itc:parameter name="sortOrder">DESC|ASC</itc:parameter>
Report Tenant Subscriptions' effective subscribers' emails as a table
<itc:subscriptions />
Attribute Text
Display object attribute text based on the attribute Display format. For HTML report it is wrapped with <p>value</p>, for PDF: a paragraph created with the value (avoid HTML content - it is not converted to PDF)
<itc:parameter name="name">EXTERNAL_ACTIVITY.Log</itc:parameter>
<Object Selector>
Object Selector:
<itc:parameter name="OBJECT_Id">${context/OBJECT_Id}</itc:parameter><!-- If specified, the rest is ignored, Optional -->
<itc:parameter name="className">Object Class</itc:parameter> <!-- Target Class Name, optional -->
<itc:select name="AttrName" [oper="Operator"]>value</itc:select>
Context Selector:
<itc:parameter name="context">Context ID</itc:parameter> <!-- Optional, if not specified see below →
<itc:context>  <!-- Optional, if not specified see above →
<itc:parameter name="className">Object Class</itc:parameter>Â
<itc:select name="AttrName" [oper="Operator"]>Value</itc:select>
- YTD - year to date
- QTD - quarter to date
- MTD - month to date
- WTD - week to date
- DTD - day to date
- M# - last #Â full month (M12 - last 12 month)
- D# - last # full days (D1 - yesterday, D7 - last 7 days)
- H# - last # full hours
- LY - Last year
- LM - Last Month
- LW - Last week
- LD - Last Day/Yesterday
- MH1 - First half (1-15) of the prior or current month (if current month day is after 15)
- MH1PÂ - First half (1-15) of the prior month (even if current month day is after 15)
- MH2 - Second half (16-30/31)Â of the prior month
Time:Â Â
- user user's locale/timezone-specific time format: US: dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss a (see
- now (Current time/date snapped to TimeScale interval)
- before (time/date snapped to previous from now TimeScale interval)
- after (time/date snapped to next from now TimeScale interval)
Parameter width and height
For HTML reports Chart/Threshold parameters width and height now accept UOM: 100%, 5em, 10ex, 100px etc. If no UOM is provided and only the number is supplied the PX is assumed
Output type CSV
Reports now support CSV output. In this mode:
- All graphical constructs are ignored
- Charts/Thresholds are displayed as tables regardless of "table" parameter value
- Headers (h1/h2/...) rendered as a line of textÂ
- Other HTML (non itc:) markup is exploded but not rendered (if you specify <p><itc:chart>....</p>, the <itc:chart> will be rendered without any formatting associated with <p>)
The following example will produce a report that includes Availability (Table and Chart) for each SAP System with Development application role.
This work in both PDF and HTML mode (<pbr /> is a page-break and only rendered in PDF)
<itc:report xmlns:itc="urn:itconductor">
<itc:parameter name="fontSize">4</itc:parameter>
<h1>Development SAP Systems Availability Report</h1>
<itc:parameter name="OBJECT_ClassName">SAP</itc:parameter>
<itc:select name="APPLICATION_Role">DEV</itc:select>
<pbr />
<itc:parameter name="THRESHOLD_ObjectId">${context/OBJECT_Id}</itc:parameter>
<itc:parameter name="THRESHOLD_AttributeName">OBJECT_Availability</itc:parameter>
<itc:parameter name="table">false</itc:parameter>
<itc:parameter name="width">100%</itc:parameter>
<itc:parameter name="timeScale">HOUR</itc:parameter>
<itc:parameter name="range">LD</itc:parameter>
<itc:parameter name="THRESHOLD_ObjectId">${context/OBJECT_Id}</itc:parameter>
<itc:parameter name="THRESHOLD_AttributeName">OBJECT_Availability</itc:parameter>
<itc:parameter name="table">true</itc:parameter>
<itc:parameter name="timeScale">HOUR</itc:parameter>
<itc:parameter name="range">LD</itc:parameter>