SAP J2EE Monitoring Role

IT-Conductor™ supplies a role that covers all permissions required for monitoring SAP J2EE Environment except the certificates, which are special cases. (See Keystore Views and Certificates Monitoring)

On This Page:

Monitoring Role Authorization

  1. Download ITCONDUCTOR_MONITORING.txt file in IT-Conductor™: Support → SAP Security Downloads→ SAP J2EE Monitoring Role

  2. Import the file in SAP J2EE Identity Management.

    Figure 1: SAP J2EE Identity Management (a)


  3. While importing the file, make sure that:

    •  Skip Missing Principals is checked as not all security actions in the role may be present in the particular J2EE System.

    •  Override Existing Data is checked when updating the role.

      Figure 2: SAP J2EE Identity Management (b)

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